Service Call
Family Owned & Operated

Caution: Extension springs can be very dangerous. Replacing the pulleys must be done with the garage door open. Carefully follow all of the safety instructions in this tutorial. Always stay out of the path of extension springs when the garage door is operating or when the door is closed, assuming the cable or spring could break at any moment and the spring fly off and hit you.
One major cause of failure for garage doors using extension springs is that the pulleys wear out. Usually the ball bearings break down, causing the pulley to scrape against the track angle, or the rivets fail and the pulley splits as in the picture above, causing the door cable to stick.
When the owner of this garage door called us she said, "The garage door opens part way and stops." This is one of many symptoms caused by worn pulleys. This particular door would not sit evenly on the garage floor. When we tried to open it the garage door jammed.
Generally, when pulleys fail, the garage door does not open and close properly. The garage door closes part way and reopens. The door binds and sticks, and scraping sounds often accompany the other symptoms. Some times the first symptom is a frayed or broken cable, or a dangling extension spring, or a dent in the car. In my 30 years servicing garage doors I have found these symptoms to be some of the more challenging for do-it-yourselfers to diagnose.
Since all the pulleys in the extension spring system are used approximiately the same amount each time the garage door opens and closes, we recommend that you replace all four pulleys - this will save you time and money if the future.
When a pulley is worn the corner of the garage door will often catch on the broken pulley, preventing the door from opening.
Caution: Forcing the door to open when the pulley is in the way can damage the top section.

This pulley was worn out to the point that it was splitting apart.


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